"TWO men from Singapore have been shortlisted for the “Best Job in the World”, beating some 34,000 others who applied to become the caretaker of Hamilton Island, a job with a A$150,000 ($149,000) contract to enjoy the sun, sea and sand for six months while writing a blog to promote the area.
For 24-year-old Singaporean Jimmy Wong, a freelance diver and photographer, it was a complete surprise as well. “I was in a state of shock, but I realised if you do something out of passion and the love for it, you can go far.”
American teacher Greg Reynen said the news was timely, as he had just turned 31. “I was at my computer and I couldn’t believe it. I just screamed and I went
running down the hallway.”
The judges were impressed by the duo’s video submissions. Tourism Queensland said it
received 224 applications from Singapore. The 50 shortlisted applicants will be narrowed down to a final 10 while an 11th applicant will be chosen by popular
Channel New Asia, TODAY Newspaper 4th March 2009