If you have not heard about “Susan Boyle” yet, i trust you will be very glad to read about this blogpost. Her video in YouTube has been viewed more than 25 millions time (that is 25,000,000 ++ times) after it has been posted just 7 days ago! A day ago when i watched it @ 1am in morning, i had “goose pimples” and my body was shivering…when i watched the 2nd and 3rd time, the effect was still electrifying! Simply Awesome!

Yesterday, i showed it to my O Levels Sec 4 Chemistry Class and i trust many have been overwhelmed by Susan's performance and belief system. None of them were skeptical or cynical about plain-jane Susan. In fact couple of them ask me about the name of "Susan Boyle" so they can share with friends and family.
We have heard of different ways and tools available when people can be motivated:
* Motivational Movies
* Motivational Songs
* Motivational Speech
* Motivational Books, etc by Gurus, Masters and Professional Trainers
But none of the above can ever beat a basic “Live Example” of a commoner that proves to be the ultimate motivator (if a commoner can do it, you can do it too!).
Presenting to you…Susan Boyle that shock the world in Britain’s Got Talent (a reality show in Britain)
Click HERE for Youtube Video
(can’t embed the video as they have disabled the function..click link directly)
Click HERE for DailyMotion Video
Susan Boyle is 47 years old and came from a small village in Scotland. She is currently unemployed and has never kissed a guy before. Look at the audience's faces when Simon Cowell (one of the 3 judges) ask Susan to introduce herself. Many were skeptical and cynical when Susan, a plain-jane told the audience she would like to be a professional singer and would dream to be like Elaine Page.
She proves everyone wrong (see the expression on the audience's faces as well as comments by judges) and wows the judges with her performance, singing “I dreamed a dream” from Les Miserables.
One lesson i personally learned from this video: “Live your dreams! Do not let skeptics and cynics obstruct your passion & belief. Nothing Is Impossible if you put heart and soul into it. Do Your Best!”
And you will shock the world!
PS: Leave me a comment. I would love to hear from you. =)
PPS: Share with your friends, classmates and relatives....Pass the inspiration around!
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