Friday, May 21, 2010

5 Simple Ways to Organize Each Day

As a person seeking a more Successful and Fulfilling Life, your time is precious. While the choice is yours in how to spend your day, the best way to utilize your resources and maximise your time is to organize it. We should start each day in an organized way, and you’ll get more done than you can imagine.

Below are 5 simple ways for achieving an organized day:

1) Make a To-Do List:

Make a list the night before of the things you have to do tomorrow. Prioritize every item in the sequence it should be accomplished, with the outmost priority to be placed on top and the rest in a descending manner. Consolidate similar tasks. When you wake up in the morning, you will have a clear-cut guide for everything that must be done.

2) Be Wary of Getting Diverted:

Very often we are distracted by other external factors and our schedule that we have set earlier gets thrown off track. If you find that you constantly get off track, we can set a timer that goes off every 30 minutes. Every time it sounds, be sure you are working on what you originally planned. If you’re not, stop what you are doing at that moment and get back to schedule. Most distractions are not emergency situations.

3) Strike Off Items As You Complete Them:

Every time you finish something, strike it off your To-Do List. This will certainly give you a sense of accomplishment throughout the day.

4) Call Before You Move:

If you have an appointment during the day, always try to confirm before you leave your office or home. This will ensure that the person you’re meeting did not forget about the appointment. And if you client has something to finish up and need to meet you slightly later, perhaps you can do something else first, before you leave to meet them.

5) Do A Final Check:

At the end of the day, take a look at your To-Do List. How many items were you able to accomplish? Are there only one or two things left unfinished, or are there many yet to be striked off the list? If there were just a few undone, simply move them to tomorrow’s To-Do List. If there were many undone and unstriked, and you work diligently on everything all day, then you probably had too many things on your list to begin with. Re-think how much you can possibly do in a given day. Remember, we have only 24 hours, and we should be using one third of those hours to sleep and rest our system.

The above ways have been my key towards a more efficient and effective lifestyle.

Hope you will find the 5 simple ways as useful as i find it.

One Who Conquers OneSelf,


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