Contrary to popular belief that Poker is purely about gambling, it is a sport that is widely recognized worldwide.
Poker is seen as a sport in the same way billiards, chess bowling, and golf are not athletic sports but sports nevertheless.
Bridge is an Olympic sport and there is talk of poker being accepted into the International Olympic Committee. Singapore has also allowed Betfair to host online poker tournaments to qualify for the Singapore Asian Poker Tour. Hence, it is clear that poker is does not mainly revolve around gambling as a lot of thinking skills are required to play this game.
Dr Barry Blight, who worked as a lecturer (a great statistician)at the London School of Economics, has carried out research into the extent of skill involved in games.
He said: "There is a great deal of skill in poker. It's a combination of two types of skill, assessing the chances of the cards and the bluffing skill, it's very complex.
"Working out the probability of cards is a small part of the game.
"It's very difficult to define skill in games. If players can make a decision that can affect the outcome of the game, then it involves skill.
"There are a lot of decisions in poker; involving the cards and the mood of the opponents."
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