Halo Readers!
Today we shall cover a little bit of
Personal Developments. Personally, i am one that seeks active Personal Developments. Instead of waiting for someone or organization (if you work in one) to develop you, why not invest in yourself with education.
I love to read self-development books (in all areas: Motivation, Business, Sales, Negotiation, Mind Mapping, Creativity, Relationships, etc) as well as attending seminars, conferences and workshops.
Here is 3 main factors that we need to keep in mind if we start to self-develop:
1) Learn Everyday
It is important to block out time everyday to learn something that will move you forward each day in life. It is important to make continual learning a priority in your life everyday – whether it is listening to an audio or video program or reading a book. The compounded effect over time, even it is only 30 minutes a day, will create massive and awesome results in your life long term.
If you read only 30 minutes a day for an entire year, you will have learned more about improving your life in one year than the average person will learn in their adult life. That slight edge and advantage will make all the difference in creating success in your life. Learning is certainly the foundation for all success. It is actually where true success begins.
2) Stay In Peak Psychological State
In order to create power results in your life, you must learn to create a powerful psychological state. When you are tired, lethargic and feel down, it will be very difficult to create positive results. If you want to be in a leadership role, that is even more important. You need to realize that people want to follow a leader who has energy, motivation and enthusiasm.
If you are feeling down or tired, go do something like moving your body, going to the gym or a run, or do whatever you need to get your blood flowing. This is because when you change your physiological state, you also change your psychological state.
3) Dream Big!
Thinking and dreaming is free-of-charge. So why not think and dream Big! Too many people played too safe and tip-toe through life quietly so they can arrive at their grave safely. My personal belief is that at the end of your life, when you have finish your journey through this world, you should be feeling at peace and ease, and fulfilled by having pursued your dreams.
At the end of one’s life, no one ever said they were glad that they have played it safe. Many in fact will have regrets in life why they did not do something. We were are created equal and have the same ability to achieve greatness.
Remember – Do not let anyone steal your dreams away! A life worth living is a life worth fighting for your dreams.
Here is a quote from the famous Theodore Roosevelt:
“Far better is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”