Are you looking for a Chemistry Platform where you can outsource part of your project to a 3rd-party to perform and yet having that Intellecutual Property (IP) kept in wraps?
I have a friend that is certainly proficient in "High-Throughput Organic Syntheis & Purification". If you are in Drug Discovery and Development, Materials Research & Development, Food Industry and Polymer Industry - there is a high chance that you can leverage on his expertise. He is an expert in making Compound Libraries for his clients.
Please click the images for more information.
In you are interested, do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ken Lee (mention you got contact from Sean) or leave me a comment here (so that i can forward your enquiry to him).

PS: He is not an affilate of any of my programs, but i find his expertise an area where my friends/readers can leverage and build on. Cheers.
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