Thursday, February 21, 2008

More Interesting Quotes from Andrew Matthew

More interesting and inspiring quotes from Andrew Mathhew's "Happiness In A Nutshell" book.

Next time you are upset, remember it’s not so much people who makes you angry,as your thoughts about them.
Whatever thoughts are causing you pain, they are only thoughts.You can change a thought.

Because we are always attracting the learning experiences we need, we often attract what we fear.
If you fear loneliness, you’ll attract that.
If you fear embarrassment, you’ll fall on your face.
It’s your life’s way of encouraging us to grow.
The only way to beat fear is to face it.

When your body hurts, pain reminds you to take a rest, or maybe to change your shoes or to find a better way.
When your mind hurts, pain reminds you to quit worrying or to be more forgiving, or to think a different way.
Pain is not your enemy.
Pain is your friend!

Courage is not the absence of fear-
Courage is acting in spite of fear.
People who do nothing with their lives are just as scared as people who take major risks.
It’s just that the first group get scared over tiny things.
Why not get scared over something significant?

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