Monday, January 14, 2008

Interesting Facts 3


MySpace was founded by former Friendster members Chris Dewolfe and Tom Anderson in 2003. They saw opportunity to beat Friendster with more options and less restrictions for social network users. MySpace was purchased in 2005 for $580 million by Rupert Murdoch creator of a media empire that includes 20th Century Fox and the Fox television stations. MySpace has more than 40 billion page views a month. Google paid $900 million to be MySpace's search provider. MySpace runs on Microsoft .NET Framework, operating under Windows 2003 server and applications written in C# for ASP.NET.

History Of

Jeff Bezos coined the term from the earlier name It was the excellent way to present large volume online bookstore. But did he have hidden intentions? It is hard to believe but in the early Internet days, when Yahoo was dominant search engine, results on one page were listed alphabetically. Amazon would always appear above its competition for a specific keywords. This could be a breaking point for Jeff to expand and became what it is today.

What Is Google?

Google, the Internet search company founded in September 1998. by Larry Page & Sergey Brin, got it's name from the word Googol, which represents number 1 followed with hundred zeros after it.

What Is Yahoo!?

Yahoo the complex internet organism has complicated name. Word "Yahoo" is shortcut for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". It was coined by PhD candidates at Stanford University: David Filo and Jerry Yang.

Mao Tse-tung Facts

Mao Tse-tung founded the People's Republic of China in 1949. He was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist party in 1921. In 1915 Mao attended university in Changsa, China where he wrote the longest recorded graphite, criticizing the Chinese school system and current state of Chinese society. His graphite consisted of more than 4000 Chinese characters. Mao Tse-tung was married four times and he believed that having sex with virgins "would help to restore and reinvigorate a man’s health and vigor”. Mao was responsible for more than 30 millions deaths mostly from hunger and starvation.

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